New Year’s Resolutions and the Challenges to Make Them Reality

New Year’s Resolutions and the Challenges to Make Them Reality

Did you know 92% of New Year’s resolutions are given up on by March?

I just made that up. You really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet. But we all know anecdotally it’s a very possible statistic. A year ago today I said goodbye to sugar and I set my alarm early for the first of many morning runs. I don’t need to tell you that the new me did not last long.

This year I’m doing it differently. I’m saying goodbye to the disappointment I feel when I fail to stick with yet another challenging and perhaps somewhat unrealistic New Year’s resolution. This year I’m keeping it simple and attainable. I’m going to share the two daily habits I’m sticking with for 2023 and why you should implement them with me to get through 2023 as stress free as possible.

  1. Drink more water.

It’s no breaking news that upping your water intake reaps many benefits. But did you know that stress relief is one of them? Dehydration is linked to higher cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Just being even a little bit dehydrated can lead to increases in cortisol, meaning increases in stress.

Everywhere you look will give you a different recommendation, but whether you strive for five or eleven glasses a day, make it a point to increase your water intake in the new year.

  1. Avoid checking my phone first thing in the morning.

During deep sleep your brain produces delta waves. When you first wake up your brain switches from delta waves to theta waves. Theta waves occur in a deeply relaxed, daydreamy state. After a moment to wake up it begins producing alpha waves. Alpha waves occur when you’re awake, calm, and not processing much information. Then when you’re awake and alert your brain switches to beta waves.

When you scroll through your phone first thing in the morning, your brain is forced to skip the essential theta and alpha stages. This creates a feeling of stress and anxiety that will follow you throughout the day. Many recommend staying off your phone for the first hour of the day, but even if you can only manage 20 minutes, make staying off your phone first thing in the morning a habit for the coming year.

At we hope that you have a great celebration moving into the New Year and that 2023 brings you all great joy and happiness. We also hope that these two tips really help you to have a less stressful life and please forgive yourself if you struggle to keep those elusive New Year’s resolutions. Happiness, loving life is more important than

By Charlotte Tindale

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